

Peak Industry Associations

The New Era of Industry Association Video Production

You play a crucial role in representing and advancing the interests of your sector.

You owe it to your members, to be vigilant in lobbying the government.

You must be resourceful with your finances…
You must be doing the most for your members…
You must be abiding by the association constitution, at all times.

There is a constant demand to ensure value creation for your members.

Providing Members Value

Every member counts… Yes, even Dorothy.

How can you ensure your members feel they’re getting excellent value for money?

More events, better training, networking opportunities…

Building an always-available library of industry training videos is an excellent way to uphold industry excellence and provide irresistible value for your members.

You’re running so many events with industry experts it’s time to capture those and let your members and their staff reference them at any time.

It’s a real value ad. And you’ll look back in 3 years and be proud of the legacy.

It’s a constant battle, to not just ensure that members stay members, but to attract new members, and continue to grow that database.

Impacting a Positive Change

Every member counts… Yes, even Dorothy.

How can you ensure your members feel they’re getting excellent value for money?

More events, better training, networking opportunities…

Building an always-available library of industry training videos is an excellent way to uphold industry excellence and provide irresistible value for your members.

You’re running so many events with industry experts it’s time to capture those and let your members and their staff reference them at any time.

It’s a real value ad. And you’ll look back in 3 years and be proud of the legacy.

It’s a constant battle, to not just ensure that members stay members, but to attract new members, and continue to grow that database.

Impacting a Positive Change

Because actions speak louder than coins…

Most lobbying is done behind closed doors, and sometimes when that persuasion isn’t working, it’s time to make noise publicly.

Interviewing the public or members on their needs, can help the minister understand exactly what they’re not doing.

Trust me, they dont alwayyyyys love hearing their name in the news…

Let’s persuade them to reevaluate and bring these suggestions into parliament to impact positive change for the sector and show members you’re flying the flag.

Members need to feel valued and ministers need to know how to help.



2023 members came screaming out of the gates to come to your events. Now they’re happy to stay home and watch a live stream.

Which isn’t the worst thing in the world…

Event venues can be scaled back and each digital ticket sold is glorious cream.

Your sponsors get their logos plastered all over the stream and we can run ads in the breaks.

Leading up to events, the one-promo-video-will-solve-all-the-world’s-problems, no longer cuts the mustard.

Members have too many choices and switch off after 2 seconds, seeing the same video constantly promoted.

The new way to promote events is to have interviews with the sponsors and guests raving about how great the event is. We trim up a series of short videos to pump out on LinkedIn and in your newsletter.

And the sponsors love being on screen too. It helps them to decide whether to come back next year or not.

Once we’ve captured your first event, the following years become easier and easier.


Avoiding death by PowerPoint

Many presentations are dry, without a drop of engagement to quench your audience’s thirst.

DCS specialises in making watchable training videos, with on-screen graphics, steps broken down, and written in plain language.

Not CTRL C/CTRL V from the training manual…

Training courses provide incredible value for members, especially when the video catalogue keeps expanding.

This gives them a powerful reason to upskill their staff and to ensure safety and excellence within your sector.

Limited Resources

So much to do, so little time.

Member-based organisations can be limited to what you can do in-house.

You just hired Olivia to help with comms… She’s great on social, but has noooo idea how to edit a video.

Expectations have changed…

There is a growing need to communicate with members regularly, not just through written emails and annual reports, now they want to see your face and hear what you have to say.

DCS can help by becoming your Outsourced Content Officer.

And you dont have to worry about unskilled labour or Tim throwing a sickie. We have a team of talented operators to best service your content needs.

Plus you dont need to buy any equipment. Or pay our Super.

Outsourced Content Officer

Can’t someone else do it…

Peak industry associations have a board to answer to and a chairman who wants to see results.

We’re looking to develop a long-term relationship but also happy to start on a project-to-project basis.

But why not look at your entire year of activities and produce a retainer package with a special discount rate?

This way you can run clear projections and keep the board happy.

This would be less than paying a full-time staff member, there’d be no additional contribution requirements, and we don’t have sick days, mope around the office, or quit at that crucial moment.

We have a proven track record and a team that’s here to support you.

Look at DCS as your Outsource Content Officers with a solid team backing you all the way.


Make me an offer I can’t refuse…

DCS is a full-service corporate video production company based in Canberra.

That means you can dump your brief on us and we can take it from there, or, we can become an extension of your team and work collaboratively to produce a series of videos.

The DCS crew are down to earth, easy to approach and open with communication. We’re driven by strong systems which create masterful results.

The types of videos we can help you with are…
  • Brand Films
  • Talking Head Videos
  • Executive Announcement Videos
  • Public Policy Explainer Videos
  • Vox Pop Videos
  • Interview Videos
  • Community Stories
  • HR Videos
  • Recruitment Videos
  • Sizzle Reels
  • Year in Review Videos

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